The exhibition provides an insight into the history of international development cooperation and current relevant issues in the field. It focuses on substantial success stories such as the reduction in extreme poverty, while highlighting that high-income countries still clearly benefit more from “developing countries” than they “help” them.

The exhibition is available as a poster or object exhibition. Setting up the object exhibition requires more time because it contains a game and other interactive elements. Both exhibition options can be complemented by a 4-minute animation movie.




> Assembly Instructions (PDF 4 MB, A4-Format)
> Posters (PDF 12 MB, A1 format)
> Introductory Texts (PDF 0.1 MB, A4-Format)
> Movie for STRATEGIES (Topic 3) (mov file 79 MB)



> Assembly Instructions (PDF 15 MB, A4-Format)
> Print templates in zip format (zip file 19 MB)
> Movie for STRATEGIES (Topic 3) (mov file 79 MB)



Who is in need of development?

The term “development aid” first appeared after the end of the Second World War. Wealthy states set themselves the goal of supporting the “development” of poorer countries and thereby put an end to worldwide poverty. More

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How has global poverty changed in the last 25 years?

Poverty is defined differently from country to country. Poverty in relation to a person’s specific social environment is referred to as relative poverty. On the other hand extreme or absolute poverty describes the situation of people who do not have sufficient financial means to cover their vital basic needs. Absolute poverty is measured by such factors as life expectation, income per capita, child mortality or birth rate. More

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What strategies should be used to tackle poverty?

People have always tried to find a way to survive. This was achieved through food production and commerce, but also through wars, slavery and exploitation. More

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Do high income countries benefit more from developing countries or the other way around?

For decades the Western world has been sending billions of Euros to so-called “developing countries”. If this is the case, why are most of these countries still developing countries? Has development cooperation failed? More

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Should I donate money directly or through intermediary organisations?

Between donors and beneficiaries there are usually organisations in high-income countries which collect, administer and distribute donations. They incur costs which are then deducted from the donations. Not exactly ideal, wouldn’t you agree? Why is it that not every cent gets through to those in need? More

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Why are you involved in helping other people?

Why do people work voluntarily, donate money or take time for their fellow human beings? Is commitment about travelling half of the world and saving human lives? Is it useful to be engaged in a place which we do not know much about and where we have a limited ability to speak the language? Or does it make more sense to be engaged where we live and where we have a greater knowledge of the people and their needs? More

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Is a person’s dignity compromised by receiving development aid?

Unexpected natural disasters or wars can turn financially independent people into people in need overnight. Tsunamis or earthquakes can raze houses to the ground, leave people without food or electricity and paralyse public life. In most cases international emergency aid is quick to mobilise and seeks to restore the former situation as quickly as possible. In the ideal scenario people in need will become independent again in time. More

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