- admin
- Aug 26, 2015
Many young Europeans engage themselves in charity work or complete internships overseas to help disadvantaged people from developing countries. More often than not there is no underlying fundamental discussion about development cooperation and, as a result, the stereotypes we have are perpetuated.
In the framework of the project «kuska – learn to help to learn» material on current issues in international development cooperation is developed and made available free of charge. This material is primarily aimed at students and people planning a work placement abroad in development cooperation.
A short animation film focuses on the history of development cooperation with the findings, failures and progress made since the 1950s.
Do-it-yourself exhibition
Simple guides, texts and graphics to help you print or create an exhibition on development cooperation with limited resources.
Workshop proposals for schools and for the preparation of people planning to work abroad in development cooperation.
Online trainings on various topics in the area of development cooperation for students, people planning to work abroad in development cooperation and other interested parties.
Information sheets
Information sheets on on various topics in the area of development cooperation: tips for donating, the history of development cooperation, tips for reporting etc.
Documents for working abroad
Templates for agreement, reports and evaluations for organisations who offert work placements abroad in development cooperation.
Ideas for talks and events
Ideas for talks and events at schools and other places on the topic of development cooperation.
A project by
Verein Kipu, Liechtenstein
Sterne auf den Strassen Boliviens e.V., Germany
Kunstverein Schichtwechsel, Liechtenstein
Estrellas en la Calle, Bolivia
Verein Kipu, Liechtenstein
Cornelia Bühler, Laura Hilti, Luis Hilti and Alice Nägele with the support of Sara Bagladi, Barbara Batliner, Lisa Fischer, Priscilla Leiva López, Beat Ospelt, Johanna Rosenke and Loren Vidango Fuchs
oew – Organisation für Eine solidarische Welt, Italy
Sabrina Eberhöfer, Verena Gschnell and Monika Thaler with the support of Giulia De Paoli and Florian Ralser
Sterne auf den Straßen Boliviens e.V., Germany
Michael Schwägerl and Peter Weber with the support of Gabi Dütsch, Daniel Ardaya, David Heath, Katie Roy und Paul Smith
Kunstverein Schichtwechsel, Liechtenstein
Caroline Büchel, Beate Frommelt, Stephan Gstöhl, Anna Hilti, Laura Hilti, Luis Hilti, Annett Höland, Florian Ospelt and Alexandra Rapeaud with the support of Patricia Bachmann, Antonella Barone, Florin Büchel, Robert Büchel, Lukas Gähwiler, Michael Kindermann, Daniel Kladiva, Barbara Schneider and Flurina Seger
Estrellas en la Calle, Bolivia
Victor Arellano, Oscar Bustamante, Grover Gallego Cusillo, Wilfredo Torrez Padilla, Juan Javier Vicente Reyes
Rudolf Batliner, Maria Bieberschulte, Martha Büchel-Hilti, Andreas Foser, Philipp Frener, Hansjörg Hilti, Stephen Kadenyo, Nicole Matt, Hubert Pörnbacher, Peter Ritter, Bernd Steimann, Stefanie Thöny