Links for organisations, tips and guidelines for organisations and donors, teaching materials, publications etc.



Outcome and Impact Assessment in International Development Cooperation
These guidelines are designed to help project managers to assess the outcomes of their projects and programmes. They demonstrate how development agencies can implement an appropriate outcome and impact assessment system.

Project Cycle Management interactive – PCMi
Project Cycle Management Interactive platform of the Swiss Development Cooperation SDC. The platform offers different options for self-study to choose from for improving or refreshing competencies in Project cycle management: Module 1: Result Based Project Cycle Management; Module 2: Planning for Results; Module 3: Measurement of Results; Module 4: Monitoring and Steering for Results; Module 5: Evaluation or Review of Results.

CONCORD Code of Conduct: Choosing images and messages
The Code of Conduct encourages NGOs and others reporting about development to choose images and messages that respect human dignity. More

DOCHAS Code of Conduct on Images and Messages
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide a framework on which organisations can build when designing and implementing their public communications strategy. More

The Illustrative Guide to the DOCHAS Code of Conduct on Images and Messages
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide a framework on which organisations can build when designing and implementing their public communications strategy. More



NADEL – Center for Development and Cooperation
The NADEL center for development and cooperation combines empirical research in social sciences with interdisciplinary teaching programs and various policy outreach activities to contribute to effective and sustainable development policies.

Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS)
The Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel is an interdisciplinary research and executive education institute of the Swiss Foundation System.



alliancesud: articles about development politics
News on development politics, Deza, Seco etc. in Switzerland and globally.



Alliance Sud strives to influence Switzerland’s policies to the benefit of the poor countries and their peoples. More

Zewo is setting standards for swiss charities. These standards cover the following aspects: ethics and integrity, corporate governance, efficient use of funds, results, true and fair accounting, transparency, accountability as well as fundraising and communication. More